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Mission Possible

Cheers to good neighbors. May we be them, may we have them, may we NEVER move! Here's an OVERSIZED thank you to Peter Windham Cross who was waiting in our driveway at 5:10 this morning in the dark, engine running. Dylan has had a framed antique map of the world 🌎 hanging over his bed for as long as I can remember. It's always served as a reminder of what he loves most. His wanderlust is not a new condition. As our renovation draws near, I asked him if this large piece is in the "stay" or "go" pile? It was as if Marie Kondo was whispering in his ear, and he answered "It brings me joy." (or something like that!) Did I mention, this piece of art is 5 feet by 4 feet-ish. UPS quoted us $500 to ship it. We pulled on our "can do" thinking caps. After a true brainstorming sesh spitballing all ideas to be considered, Dylan convinced me we should wrap it ourselves. We headed to the store to purchase supplies; tape, bubbles and popcorn. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.🍋 We taped the glass like you would hurricane windows, we wrapped in bubble twice over and we poured in about 20 of Eliza's sweaters that were waiting to be packed for SF, as extra cushion and a brilliant bonus for her move. It was a sip of genius. Alan has a brain that is the yin to my yang.☯️ Great minds think alike and some great minds think differently. His conjures up all of the potential problems and reasons something won’t work; to which I counter with all the reasons a plan will succeed. It's a dance we’ve been doing for about 34 years now. Our childhood programming is quite different.To appease his doubting dad, Dylan called the airlines to clarify the status of this box/bag as "oversized". The bag is officially oversized and so would the oversized fee be. It would still be the least expensive option in dollars. Dylan would be paying with the currency of blood, sweat and tears. He would shoulder the sole responsibility of executing this strategy once he arrived at the airport. Luckily, he gets a kick out of creating solutions to challenging situations. "I can do it. I can do it." Every step of the way, I'd check in with him. Do you still want to make this happen? Can you still see this on your wall in SF? And the answer was always yes. Each time he affirmed his vision, I reminded him that we could absolutely make this happen. Next we had to figure how to get this monster to the airport. We called Gary across the street, as we often do. He has a truck 🚛and every year we buy Christmas trees 🌲together or he lends us his vehicle for a quickie. He took Dylan to the airport the morning Sue Sue died when I was at the hospital 🏥and over the years he has earned his stripes with generosity and thoughtfulness. He moves mountains for us regularly. This time he could not so it was back to the drawing board. I suggested reaching out to Pete, a neighbor who lives a few doors down. He has a truck to pull his boat. He is a prince who helped this damsel in distress when her car died. He pushed my car into my driveway once upon a time and has done his share of good deeds along the way. I loved his girls Chloe and Chanthy, like they were my own “back in the day”. Christie and Pete have always been big fans of Dylan. They have lived on our block since we moved here when Dylan was going into 2nd grade. Good neighbors really are priceless. Dylan texted Pete and asked if we could swap our car for his truck for about 90 minutes to make a predawn airport run to Ft. Lauderdale in the morning. Without hesitation, he responded "You can borrow my truck, and I'd be happy to take you myself." Since we had secured transportation, Dylan offered to take 2 of Eliza's bags which were already packed for her eminent departure to SF. (10 days but who’s counting?) He's a hot shot with United so he gets to bring 3 pieces of luggage when he travels. Dylan is not phased by the idea of getting a huge box + 2 extra suitcases to FLL and then home from SFO. In fact, he will enjoy the opportunity to think outside the box. When Pete got out of his truck this morning, he had a huge box and 2 bags waiting for transport. He's a "can do" guy and part of Team Dylan. Alan kept poo poo-ing the "impossible task". But we are possibilitarians. Dylan, his oversized box, and his precious cargo, are on their way to making it happen. The next hurdle is the execution of checking this box as "oversized" at curbside. He then will have six long hours to will an oversized Uber to pick up his oversized cargo, and I have no doubt he will find an oversized solution. I have always taught my children that anything is possible, if they just believe. That is why Santa Claus continues to deliver the goods to my 22 and 25 year old believers. Perspiration + inspiration = making the impossible quite possible. You gotta believe. I am super excited to see this map hanging on Dylan's wall in 10 days when we move Eliza to SF. I keep hearing Dylan's voice saying, "I want this for my apartment". I am imagining it hanging on my wall." ’I know he can, I know he can. Please join me in picture-ing (v.) this mission of magic.✨ I'm certain the beautiful plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies I had Dylan tuck into our driver's front seat isn't nearly enough of a thank you. So I’m hoping this shout out will help Pete see how much we appreciate the integral part he played in pulling off the impossible. He has earned hero status with the Rosenbergs from here to eternity. "It takes a village" so please help Dylan navigate his map to it’s new home. Imagine the box containing his picture landing gently in California. Visualize a vehicle able to accommodate his cargo waiting for him and finally, see him unwrapping the bubbles to find it in perfect condition. I'll post a photo of the victory once it is hanging on the wall in Dylan and Grace's apartment. Go BIG or go home. SF or bust!!

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