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"She gets it, and her willingness, actually, her need, to share her truth, and to live by it, s

Yellow. It's "the color of ripe lemons, sunflowers and gold"... and Cathy. She is the only person (aside from my mom) who I can so easily describe this way. Her "yellow" is light, warmth, fullness--life. She gets it, and her willingness, actually, her need, to share her truth, and to live by it, sets her apart. Time together means laughing loud and long enough to leave tears streaming and hearts spilling over. It means allowing her words to act as a mirror she gently, but firmly holds in front of my face. Even when I may flinch, there is comfort because her perspective is one of truth, and curiosity to know more, to open wider, to love deeper... I always seem to walk away feeling steadier, and, at the same time, convinced I can fly. Such is her yellow sparkle. Once I told her I don't think I love yoga, I just love being around her. She listened, smiling, and told me she could see me, eyes closed, smiling during classes. When life lurched and I shared w her that nothing shocked me more than finding myself clinging mentally to warrior pose to get through, she smiled again because she knew I needed it before I did. I swim hard in a river of love, hope and joy, forever searching out rays of sunshine on even the cloudiest days; what a gift to find this special yellow lady swimming in that same river using her light to help illuminate all that lies ahead. Stacy A.

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