The Song in My Heart
How do the lyrics to that famous song go? “I left my heart in San Francisco?” Well, I have a better idea. I’m taking my heart to San...
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Wanna be my friend? We'll "Life Out Loud #nofilter" (verb)
When I was in kindergarten, we moved to 212 Greenwood Avenue, Jenkintown, PA. My parents were still married and we lived in a big...
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"...a friendship that has seen us through childrearing, death, divorce (mine), remarriage (mine
Cathy and I are each other’s “oldest” friend which doesn’t refer to our respective ages but to the fact that we have been friends for 19...
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"They say, 'when the student is ready, the teacher appears.' And that she did."
I was 17 and a senior in high school when I first started blogging. Upon attending orientation for Boston University (the college I was...
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"I felt a connection right away, I needed advice & you gave it willingly. "
I met you at Spanish River. Randomly in the office. I felt a connection right away, I needed advice & you gave it willingly. That was 4...
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"This blog is a testament to her spirit, everything she is passionate about, and life in genera
Moving across the country and meeting tons of new people, has caused me to evaluate more and more the kind of person I want to be. My mom...
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"Everything Cathy promotes comes from her heart in the best interests of the people around her.
Growing up, Cathy was my second mom. To this day, she is a one my role models, confidants, and teachers in life. About three years ago...
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"woman of grace and intellect, a friend, a mother, a wife, a yoga teacher, a supporter of ALL t
What is there not to say about CCR?! Cathy is a BRIGHT SHINY WHITE LIGHT in the So FL community. She is a woman of grace and intellect, a...
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"Treat yourself to the energy of this wise, fun-loving, radiant and deeply compassionate soul.&
Just before sunset, there is that beautiful hour in the day when contrast and glare give way to something infinitely richer and more...
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"She gets it, and her willingness, actually, her need, to share her truth, and to live by it, s
Yellow. It's "the color of ripe lemons, sunflowers and gold"... and Cathy. She is the only person (aside from my mom) who I can so easily...
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